
Cost Implications, Timing and Logistics – We CRM-pathise!

Sep 06 2019

Can you afford not to?

Deciding whether or not to adopt a Customer Relationship Management Software solution for your organisation may feel like a huge undertaking, and one that may involve perceived upheaval and cost. It's fair to say there are common reasons why organisations are still yet to utilise a CRM and all are justified.

The most obvious is that a CRM is expensive and perhaps something that can be avoided by storing all your data on spreadsheets. Although an attitude more commonly associated with smaller organisations, cost is always a factor and keeping an eye on overheads is a fundamental key to its success.

What's important to remember is that CRMs are ultimately designed to keep your customer data organised and safe. They are strategically designed to simplify the user-experience, help you manage and utilise your data effectively and ensure you perform to the best of your ability with regards to customer correspondence and information management.

In terms of cost, a CRM can free up admin time, align staff and help automate processes that will improve the experience of your members/customers, and ultimately drive retention.

The question organisations should really be asking is, "Can we afford not to use a CRM?"

Can you afford not to?

When is the right time?

In an ideal world, a small organisation implements a CRM system early on, with which they continue to use as they grow and thus becomes the standard tool everyone uses.

This proactive approach helps set the standard internally for data management and allows the many benefits a CRM brings from the start.

More often than not however, the decision to consider a CRM system is a reactive approach, sparked by a range of circumstances such as the need for improved data organisation, data security, GDPR compliancy, customer visibility and service.

This can be a daunting task requiring a change in procedure for staff and the transfer of volumes of data from the spreadsheets on to the new CRM system. In this scenario it is easy to understand the apprehension, however the important thing to remember is the CRM will bring order to your data and provide insight in a way it was impossible to experience before.

This improved insight will allow you to service your customers better, streamline your processes and ultimately improve the experience for everyone.

After all, if customer data was being stored across spreadsheets, a tidy up was most likely inevitable anyway!

When is the right time?

Stick or twist?

Another scenario you may find yourself in is that you already have a CRM system in place that has been used for years. The most important thing to keep in mind is that despite how long you may have used it, it's always possible to switch.

Does your software provide you with all the functions you need, and do you receive the service you need from your supplier? If the answer is no, switching is possible and may be easier than you think.

For member-based organisations, including charities, fundraisers, NFPs, Institutes and Associations, managing and sustaining relationships with members is imperative. By engaging with, understanding and keeping in touch with existing members, such organisations promote themselves and thereby retain and attract more members. SubscriberCRM is a one stop CRM software solution to help your organisation grow and succeed, through better customer relationship management.

We can't speak on behalf of other CRM providers, but SubscriberCRM provides a cost-effective solution for organisations no matter the size or situation.

Stick or twist?

Speak to one of our friendly team members today to explore your options and learn about the array of benefits SubscriberCRM can provide your organisation.

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