Change Log


Released: 04/04/2017

Contact Addresses

Scrollbars will appear if the screen is too small to display the whole address area.


The security permissions have been extended to prevent users from being able to export the grids to Microsoft Excel. This is done on a module basis to give the most flexibility.

Contacts Screen - Agency

The agency grid can now be exported to Microsoft Excel. Also the summary functionality is available on the columns.

Payments - Already Generated Demands

An invoice prefix can be set when creating an invoice from the Already Generated Demands screen.

Standard Reports

An option has been added to the Standard Reports grid to allow reports to be exported directly to Microsoft Excel; rather than having to use the 'Export' option with the report viewer itself.

MailChimp Integration

The MailChimp integration has been updated so that communications can be created in SubscriberCRM when a campaign is sent from MailChimp. Also the activity (opens and clicks) is downloaded into SubscriberCRM.

Events - Sub Event Rates

There was an issue whereby the rates on a sub event were not being deleted correctly. This has been resolved.

AFD Integration

SubscriberCRM now uses the 'OptionalCounty' field from the AFD data rather than the 'PostalCounty' field. This should help to increase the counties returned by AFD as the 'OptionalCounty' field includes postal counties and optional ones for most addresses which would otherwise not have a county name.


There was an issue whereby all the profiles would be available to a user even if they didn't have the permissions to do so, when they made a change to a profile within the Profile Creator. This has been resolved.

Web Sync - New Contacts - Bank Details

There was an issue whereby the account name was being overridden to the contacts names even if it had already been set online. This has been resolved.

Enquiries - Emailing

There was an issue when emailing from the enquiries screen and selecting to record a communication. The communication was not being associated with the enquiries as well as the contact. This has been resolved.

Contacts - Search

The filter row on the grid has been updated so that it works better when comparing dates.

Volunteers Skill

The comments on a volunteers skill has been updated to allow for as many characters as required rather than just 200 characters.

Sales - Net Adjustment

There was an issue whereby the 'Net Adjustment' value was not being used when calculating the totals on the sales document. This has been resolved.

Merging from Contacts

When merging from the contacts screen and the 'All Contacts' option is selected, it will now merge based on the contacts within the grid and not the 'recordset' as it did before.

Payments - Standing Orders

The 'SO Reference' field has been added to the Payments > Standing Orders screen.


There was an issue when dragging and dropping a project when it had been modified and not yet saved. The association to the parent project would get lost. This has been resolved.


There was an issues whereby subscriptions wouldn't get renewed if there was a 100% discount applied, even if the discount until date was entered. Partial discounts were fine. This has been resolved.

Subscriptions Renewals

The 'Run Demand Generation Cycle' button has been renamed to 'Renew Subscriptions'.

Employment Details - Shift Pattern

A field called 'Shift Pattern' has been added to the Employment Details.


Duplicate email addresses can now be removed from the recipients tab. A 'Remove Duplicates' button will appear on the toolbar if there are duplicates. This can be useful when sending things like newsletters, however you may not want to use this for things like renewal reminders.

Transfer to Accounts

Pledges are now automatically excluded from the 'Transfer to Accounts' screen and the donation is available without the pledge having to have been transferred.


There is now a button on the Communication grids that allow the user to open the email or file without having to open up the communication itself.

Merge Areas

The merge area 'Invoices' has been renamed to 'Sales'.


The permissions have been updated so that it is now possible to restrict access to particular areas of the 'Settings' screen. These permissions can be found be going to the 'Settings' tab of the 'Manage Permissions' dialog.


Profiles have been added to an event and an event delegate, so you can extend these areas to add your own sections and fields.

Welfare Grants - Applicant

The applicants address can be copied to the clipboard by right clicking on the 'Welfare Grants - Applicant' dialog and clicking 'Copy Address to Clipboard'.

Welfare Grants - Applications

A field called 'Reference' has been added to the Welfare Grant Application dialog, which can be used to store any external or alternative number against the application.

Welfare Grants - Applications

The document manager has been added to the Welfare Grant Application dialog so that documents can be stored against that application.

Recycle Bin

The recycle bin has been extended to include Events. Deleted events can now be restored or permanently deleted.