Change Log


Released: 18/05/2021

Volunteers - Audit Trail

There was an issue where the Audit Trail grid was not being refreshed when a volunteer was loaded. This has been resolved.

Reports > Contacts

Although the results displayed as expected, an error would appear when showing the results from Reports > Contacts in the Contact Screen search. This has been resolved.

Events Sync - Import All

When importing all bookings within the Events Sync screen, an error may have occurred in certain situations. This has been resolved.

Ideal Postcodes Integration

When an address is found using Ideal Postcodes, the Country is now set appropriately. Please note that the Country must exist in the list of Countries for it to be set.

User Activity Audit Trail

It is now possible to export the User Activity Audit Trail in Settings to Microsoft Excel.

Modulus Checking

The "SubscriberCRM" Bank Details Lookup Provider has been removed from SubscriberCRM. If the provider was set to "SubscriberCRM" this will have been automatically changed to "None". To use a modulus check facility in SubscriberCRM, you will need to register for the “BankCheck” service provided by Mosaic Software (, and then set the provider to "Mosaic Software BankCheck". Please contact us for more information about this.

Mosaic Software BankCheck Service

The integration with the Mosaic Software BankCheck service has been updated to use their latest version (v2).

Optimised Enquiries Search

The search on the enquiries screen has been optimised.

Contacts Search

The Contact Avatar is now hidden by default in the Contact Search screen. If a user would like this to show, it can be included by using the 'Column Chooser' of the grid.